Publicações Recentes


Inoue, Cristina; RIBEIRO, T. M. M. L. ; Resende, I.S. . Worlding global sustainability governance. In: Agni Kalfagianni; Doris Fuchs; Anders Hayden. (Org.). Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance. 1ed.New York: Routledge, 2020, v. , p. 59-71.

Lamego de Teixeira Soares, F., & Yumie Aoki Inoue, C. (2020). The Role of the Private Sector in the Agenda 2030: Modalities of Engagement and Financing Alternatives. Carta Internacional, 15(1).

Haroldo Ramanzini Júnior & Bruno Theodoro Luciano (2020) Regionalism in the Global South: Mercosur and ECOWAS in trade and democracy protection, Third World Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2020.1723413

Ramanzini Júnior, H. (2020). Choosing Relevance: New Research Directions and the Future of Brazilian Foreign Policy. Latin American Research Review, 55(1), 184–191. DOI:

Lessa, Antônio Carlos, Danielly Silva Ramos Becard, and Thiago Gehre Galvão. 2020. “Rise and Fall of Triumphalism in Brazilian Foreign Policy: The International Strategy of the Workers Party’s Governments (2003--2016).” In: Status and the Rise of Brazil: Global Ambitions, Humanitarian Engagement and International Challenges, edited by Paulo Esteves, Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert, and Benjamin de Carvalho, 71–88. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Bécard, Danielly S. Antônio Carlos Lessa, and Laura Urrejola. 2020. "One-step Closer: The Politics and the Economics of China's Strategy in Brazil and the Case of the Electric Power Sector". In: China-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century: The Dual Complexities. edited by Raúl Bernal-Meza and Li Xing, 1st ed. Springer Nature, 2020.


Becard, Danielly Silva Ramos; SOENDERGAARD, N. . Relations Chine-Brésil au début du XXIe siècle (2000-2017) : entre collaboration, compétition et opportunisme. In: Xavier Aurégan; Sophie Wintgens. (Org.). Les dynamiques de la Chine en Afrique et en Amérique latine. 1ed.Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia / L'Harmattan, 2019, v. 1, p. 1-324.

​Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue, Thais Lemos Ribeiro, and Ítalo Sant' Anna Resende. (2019). Worlding Global Sustainability Governance. In: A Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance. Routledge.​ ​1st ed., 135–49. Edited by A. Kalfagianni, D. Fuchs, A. Hayden. Routledge.

Barros-Platiau, Ana Flávia, Niels Søndergaard, and Jochen Prantl. 2019. “Policy Networks in Global Environmental Governance- Connecting the Blue Amazon to Antarctica and the Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction (Bbnj) Agendas.”.pdf

Barros-Platiau, Ana Flávia, Niels Søndergaard, and Jochen Prantl. 2019. “Policy Networks in Global Environmental Governance: Connecting the Blue Amazon to Antarctica and the Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction (Bbnj) Agendas.” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 62 (2).

Barros-Platiau, Ana Flávia, Carina Costa de Oliveira, Gabriela G.B. Lima Moraes, and Pierre Mazzega. 2019. “Bioprospecting in Antarctica: Obligations and Challenges.” In Governing Marine Living Resources in the Polar Regions, 177–95. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Becard, Danielly Silva Ramos, Antônio Carlos Lessa, and Ana Flávia Granja e Barros. 2019. “Brazil in the BRICS after 10 Years: Past, Present and Near Future Perspectives.” In The International Political Economy of the BRICS, edited by Li Xing, 1st ed., 135–49. Routledge.

Becard, Danielly Silva Ramos, and Paulo Menechelli Filho. 2019. “Chinese Cultural Diplomacy- Instruments in China’s Strategy for International Insertion in the 21st Century.” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional .pdf

Becard, Danielly Silva Ramos, and Paulo Menechelli Filho. 2019. “Chinese Cultural Diplomacy: Instruments in China’s Strategy for International Insertion in the 21st Century.” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 62 (1).

Cristina Y.A. Inoue;, Biermann, F., Michele M. Betsill, S. Burch, John Dryzek, Christopher Gordon, A. Gupta, Joyeeta Gupta, et al. 2019. “The Earth System Governance Project as a Network Organization: A Critical Assessment after Ten Years.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Elsevier B.V.

Boulet, Romain, Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau, and Pierre Mazzega. 2019. “Environmental and Trade Regimes: Comparison of Hypergraphs Modeling the Ratifications of UN Multilateral Treaties.” In , 221–42.

Cristina Y.A. Inoue; Burch, Sarah, Aarti Gupta, Agni Kalfagianni, Åsa Persson, Andrea K. Gerlak, Atsushi Ishii, et al. 2019. “New Directions in Earth System Governance Research.” Earth System Governance 1 (January): 100006.

A. Barros-Platiau; Santo, E.M. De, Á. Ásgeirsdóttir, ,F. Biermann, J. Dryzek, L.R. Gonçalves, R.E. Kim, et al. 2019. “Protecting Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: An Earth System Governance Perspective.” Earth System Governance, July, 100029.

Eduardo Viola and Franchini, Matias Alejandro. 2019. “Myths and Images in Global Climate Governance, Conceptualization and the Case of Brazil (1989 - 2019).” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 62 (2).pdf

Eduardo Viola and Franchini, Matias Alejandro. 2019. “Myths and Images in Global Climate Governance, Conceptualization and the Case of Brazil (1989 - 2019).” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 62 (2)

Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue and Hochstetler, Kathryn. 2019. “South-South Relations and Global Environmental Governance- Brazilian International Development Cooperation.” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 62 (2).pdf

Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue and Hochstetler, Kathryn. 2019. “South-South Relations and Global Environmental Governance: Brazilian International Development Cooperation.” Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 62 (2).

Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau; Mazzega, Pierre, Claire Lajaunie, Jimmy Leblet and Charles Chansardon. 2019. “How to Compare Bundles of National Environmental and Development Indexes?” In , 243–65.

Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue; Moreira, Paula Franco, Jonathan Kishen Gamu, Simone Athayde, Sônia Regina da Cal Seixas, and Eduardo Viola. 2019. “South–South Transnational Advocacy: Mobilizing against Brazilian Dams in the Peruvian Amazon.” Global Environmental Politics 19 (1): 77–98.

Pinto, Vânia Carvalho. 2019. “Signalling for Status: UAE and Women’s Rights.” Contexto Internacional 41 (2): 345–63.

Lessa, Antônio Carlos, and Niels Søndergaard. 2019. “Brazilian Foreign Policy.” In Political Science - Oxford Bibliographies, edited by Sandy Maisel. Oxford University Press.

Eduardo Viola and Pereira, Joana Castro . 2019. “Catastrophic Climate Risk and Brazilian Amazonian Politics and Policies: A New Research Agenda.” Global Environmental Politics 19 (2): 93–103.

Oliveira, Henrique Altemani de. (2019). Japan A Nuclear State. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 62(1), e007..pdf.pdf

Oliveira, Henrique Altemani de. (2019). Japan: A Nuclear State?. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 62(1), e007. Epub May 23, 2019.

Oliveira, Henrique Altemani. 2019. “Japan: a normal state?”. Carta Internacional 14 (1), 5-30.